Random Acts Of Kindness...

It's time to "Smile On Another!" This season at Champions Centre, we're getting creative in how we express generosity.

Have you ever wondered how your generosity really impacts the world around you? Click here to find out...

Sometimes, the small things have the greatest impact on our lives. Have you ever been in line at Starbucks, gotten to the window and found out that the car ahead of you had already paid your bill? Or maybe you received an unsigned encouraging note that made your day. What's the most amazing "Random Act Of Kindness" that you've ever experienced or accomplished? Post your response to let us know...

Updates From South Africa - Part Two

From Jodi Gerald-Cameron

live it - south africa

The past few days have been hectic - not gonna lie. We've been busy preparing our Forever Home for the Christmas season. We've been shopping at dozens of stores, wrapping even more dozens of presents, labeled and taped and sorted and delivered and hid ... and wrapped and labeled and and sorted and delivered and hid AGAIN! :)

Our hotel room was beginning to resemble a small store by the second day of our trip here visiting our girls. We couldn't even let the cleaning service come in while we were away because we were concerned they would get a little friendly with all the new things... The things we are purchasing while we are here can be sponsored by people back home over Christmas, that way we can make sure that all the children and teens in our home get a fabulous Christmas!

Today, a few of our team went to our Forever Home and set up the Christmas tree and some decorations. Some of our girls who were not with us yet last Christmas have never had a Christmas tree let alone any presents for Christmas. It was so funny to see a couple of them slip the Christmas Stockings onto their feet thinking that they looked a lot like fancy socks or slippers... we all got a huge laugh out of that while at the same time realized that even in the smallest of things that we can do for these girls we are changing their lives. We're giving them new lenses to see the world through to know that they are loved, cared for, prayed for and cherished on this planet and that life can bring good things and not just fear or negative things into their life.

My challenge to anyone who is reading this is to step up. Do what YOU can - without worrying about comparisons or doubting your ability to do SOMEthing...

Maybe you can give money to a great foundation like Champions Foundation on a monthly basis...or Maybe you can volunteer with us on the second Saturday of every month with the Justice Project taking it to the streets...or Maybe you can volunteer your time at the Tacoma Rescue Mission or a local community mission where they are changing lives by doing SOMEthing...or Maybe you know of someone who needs help with _______ (fill in the blank) and you can do SOMEthing about it - even if that something is just making a phone call to someone you know who can take action to help them...

If I can just be honest, I'm getting pretty sick and tired of people who claim to be passionate about things like "social justice" - especially those in my generation... my peers... they talk the talk, but when push comes to shove and the opportunity to serve presents itself - they are absent.

There are people all over our local community in Tacoma (or your local community if you don't live near me) and all the way across the globe in South Africa who could use a break, a hand up (not a hand out, but a hand up to reach the next level in their life - whatever that means to them at the time)...

What are you DOING about it? I'm doing my best to do my part, and I know that I can do better.

What is your part to play? Are you playing it? If so - AWESOME! If not, why not?

From Jodi Gerald-Cameron

Today’s verse in the Generous Living Guide (8 weeks of Generous Living) is all about how it's better to give than to receive (Acts 20:35)… That could not be any more real than it is today. The team that is in South Africa is shopping for the needs at our Forever Home today and at other points during this week while we’re here.

Last night, on our arrival to the house, we celebrated Pastor Sheila’s 50th birthday with all the girls! They were elated to have pizza and cake and party bags that each of them received full of a Barbie, crowns, feather boas, and loads of other fun stuff! Everyone was having so much fun! Especially when our oldest girl “Dorothy” surprised us with spraying Mama Sheila with silly string instead of the speech she told us all she was going to give. Then, our future preacher, 12-yr-old Matty put tears in all of our eyes as she read a heartfelt letter/poem she wrote to Mama Sheila for her birthday.

While we were at the house yesterday, we were able to get some needs on paper that our team can focus on while we’re here. We’re going to be able to leave behind so much love and generosity by the time we get on the plane to return home next week. And it is always such a blessing in our own lives to be able to GIVE those gifts and necessities to the girls in our home.

This trip we are also buying them more than they just “need” we’re buying them Christmas presents. We’re plotting and strategizing what each girl wants and what we can get for her, as well as thinking of Mama Blessings as she will also love some specials things for Christmas. They are all so tender hearted, it is hard to get out of them exactly what they want – they don’t want to come across too aggressive or unappreciative for what they already have… but I hope we’ll be able to get a few specific things that each of them would ask for this year.

Then before we leave we’ll wrap all the pressies and get the house decorated for Christmas – the tree and all its fixings ☺ I can’t wait!

Tomorrow, we’re taking the older girls to Casalinga, a beautiful restaurant, for a tea party – that will be a blast! I can’t wait to see all their faces as they get treated extra special this week! We always come here to bless them with love and kindness and I always end up going home feeling so blessed myself from how amazing all the girls are. It was so great to drive up to the house yesterday and all the girls were yelling our names in excitement again wanting to show us their latest accomplishments. They told us it has been countdown central around there counting the days until we arrived to see them! The older girls pulled out the photo album that we left them to show us the pictures that they must look through so often because the picture holders already look worn and picked through. We’ll have to put that on the list! More photos!

Thanks for all your prayers and support!