Are You A Humbug? Part 3

When I think of change…

a. I want more of it… in my pocketbook.
b. I don’t want things to change. Let’s keep everything just like it is now.
c. I have some changes I’d like to make in my life.
d. World peace… Unicorns and leprechauns dancing on a rainbow… painting public sidewalks bright, joyous colors…. Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote becoming best friends…

If you chose "a" or "b," you may have a serious case of humbugitis. The cure, you ask? A good, solid dose of life lessons from our fictional friend, Ebenezer Scrooge...

Life Lesson #3: It’s only when we exercise our right to choose that we can experience the joy of change.

“This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life so that you and your children may live,” (Deuteronomy 30:19).

How would you complete this sentence? “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if…” (and don't make your response something that is dependant on another person).

God gave us an incredible gift: the ability to make choices. What would you see as a wonderful change in your life? Many of the things that we would like to see as a positive changes in our lives are initiated by the choices we have the ability to make.

As long as we keep making the same kind of choices, we’ll always get the same kind of results. This was true for Ebenezer Scrooge, and it's true for us as well. When our choices change, so will our future.

Looking for more insight from the life lessons of Mr. Scrooge? Join us this weekend at Champions Centre...


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